Is it a sex blog? A mommy blog? A bitch & moan blog? Um, . . . yeah. This is my place to be totally honest. In my real life, I feel like I'm always lying to somebody about something. Here, I am totally honest. Brutally so. However, no matter what bad things I say about my kids, I adore them and would never ever really, say, sell them on Ebay. The husband, often referred to as Spousehole, is another story. Oh yeah - if you are under 18 (or if you are my husband), please leave now.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tagged to Dream

My pal George has tagged me to tell you about my dreams. Here are the instructions:

'Write five things you want to be when you grow up. Big dreams that seem like folly, but in your heart of hearts are very real and dear to you. Things that maybe you have forgotten about in the ebb and flow and toil of the everyday, but that never really leave your soul. What you would do if anything was possible?'

1. Perpetual student

My ultimate dream would be to be a student for the rest of my life. I have a bachelor's degree in Justice, Morality, and Constitutional Democracy (poli sci/social sci) and a J.D. But I want to continue taking classes in anything and everything; not necessarily toward earning a degree, just for the sake of learning. Everything except math. After calculus, I was done with math. Cooking, anthropology, history, writing, literature, journalism, art, music, psychology, library science, theology - all of it. If I were to win the lotto or something (which isn't likely since I don't play), I would go back to school for the rest of my life.

2. Librarian

I know what you're thinking: what kind of weirdo aspires to be a librarian? I do. I love information - finding it, leading others to it, consuming it. I have very seriously considered going back to school for an MLS. I could specialize in legal research, combining the JD and the MLS.

I love books - they are almost an obsession. But it doesn't stop there. I love research. Digging into old newspapers, microfiche, archived records - it all fascinates me. Libraries aren't just about books anymore. A library is a repository of media of all kinds and I am interested in all of them.

I worked in a specialized library when I was in college (i.e., a small library only accessible to grad students and professors in a particular scientific field). While I didn't know much about the science to which the library was dedicated, I was excellent at helping others find the resources they needed. I loved cataloging new additions to our library and helping our limited pool of patrons. It was way cool.

My parents deal in antiques and have all my life. I suppose researching pieces they purchased and such is how I fell in love with these type of things.

3. Lobbyist/advocate for various causes that motivate me

I'm a decent public speaker and can be very persuasive when I want to be. I think I would be good at this and could possibly do some good. I'm not good at selling material things, but I can sell ideas.

4. Editor

I am really quite good at taking other's words and making them better. I can fix their syntax, correct their spelling and punctuation, find a better word to express a concept, etc. I am much better at that than at writing my own words. I was an editor on the law review when I was in law school and developed an affection for the editing process at that time.

Editing would allow me to exercise my need to correct others and express my perfectionism in a setting where such annoying traits are actually encouraged!

5. Queen of my own little polyamorous household
This is pure fantasy because it could never actually happen. But in the fantasy, I get to be the sole female in household with multiple men, each of whom serves particular needs, since no one man seems to be able to meet them all. In this fantasy world, the men would all get along as friends (and maybe occasional lovers to one another with me present) and none would resent or be jealous of my time spent with the others. None of them would have anyone else outside the household, of course, because this is my fantasy world and in my fantasy everyone's every need is met within our household.

Pure fantasy.

Now I'm supposed to tag five peeps. Hmmm, I'm thinking. Eeny meenie minee mo . . . I choose Trueself, Sandy Shoes, Michelle L, Renee, and The Girl.


Trueself said...

I am totally with you on #1. I truly think that being a student is what I do best. Now if only I could find a way to get paid for it. . .

I'm kind of with you on #5 except in my fantasy household there would be a mixture of men and women, and we would all get along in harmonious peace, take care of one another, nurture one another and love one another. Yeah, total fantasy. . .

h said...

Interesting idea. You could probably do numbers One and Four without winning that Lottery.

Lots of online and inexpensive local "adult" schools in most civilized places.

And there's a zillion small publications who would LOVE a cheap editor with a JD degree.

sandy shoes said...

Interesting meme.

I'd have said editor and librarian for myself, too.

Michelle said...

I agree completely on #1. I have a phd, but how sick is this....I just accepted a job at a university in administration SIMPLY BECAUSE I can do an MBA for FREE. The other university that I worked at expected employees to pay 1/2 for graduate classes. But now....the possibilities are endless!!! If only you could do a JD online......

George said...

Really interesting what you find out about people this way. Thanks for contributing Bunny. I REALLY wished I had #3 ... so many ideas and such a great inability to get them out in a logical and persuasive way

SoCal Sal said...

I like the premise for #5. Perhaps we could trade off, a week I’m yours, a week you’re mine?

Have a great weekend!

Desmond Jones said...

Gee, Bunny, just based on #s 1-2, I'm wondering if you and I might be long-lost siblings, or something. . . (I mean, I was born in the town where you live. . .)

I read somewhere (and how cliche is that?) that the definition of an intellectual is someone for whom learning is play. And that would be me; totally, right down to my soul. . .

Rae said...

I totally get wanting to be a librarian! But I really just want to be a librarian of books themselves (no microfiche, it gives me a headache)--organizing them, reading them, helping other people pick them out.

Okay, maybe more appropriately I just want to own a bookstore. ;-)

Thanks for the comment...glad to know I'm not the only one with those dreams!

Mr R Rabbit said...

Currently I am a demi-perpetual student. It'd work much better with more money.

If I wanted to go for librarian, it'd have to be one of those libraries with locked rooms and secret bookshelves. Somewhere old with the scent of dust and aged paper in the air.

I'm definitely with you on #5, though I can't see it happening any time soon.

Helen said...

Nice meme follow up, Bun, I have worked at different libraries and archives, and it is a lot of fun guiding research, knowing where to find information, etc. so I'm right there with you, too. Five is interesting, but I've always half-fantasized about running an upscale brothel...again, how fun would that be! George tagged well ; )

Semi-Celibate Man said...

Great post, Bunny! Loved it.

I like #1 as well. I fulfill that with membership to book clubs. I order books on politics, religion, languages, etc. and self-study. Life-long learning!

My five would be: travel photographer, compassionate ministries director, political editorial writer, script writer for family friendly films, and professional blogger!

Prettylyf said...

You do sound/read like a lobbyist to me :) On the perpetual stu I'd love to go to culinary school some day not necessarily to learn to cook but the whole plate art, set-table art thing

Have a great weekend!

Valley Girl said...

I'm with you on #3. I'd esp. love to be a lobbyist for the LGBT community.

Lady in red said...

I can't help thinking you really are one clever, articulate, bright and interesting woman with a very strong mind set.

so how/why do you let your husband treat you as though you are nothing when you so clearly are. I know I have not been reading your blog for long but I get the impression that he severly under appreciates you and you just let him.

Anonymous said...

I'm flattered that you included being a librarian in your dreams... ;-)) but, and not to discourage you about it... it is somehow very boring after a while... Oh, well, I presume it is true for anything else too... ;-)

Cat. said...

Is it weird to not only aspire to librarian-hood, but to follow through? :-) My whole family is weird that way!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the tag, it was a lot of fun thinking about what I want to be when I grow up! It's all finished and posted!

Anonymous said...

#5 sounds heavenly to me! I have my 5 up now.

sandy shoes said...

I finally got around to it! My 5 are up. Thanks for the tag.