Is it a sex blog? A mommy blog? A bitch & moan blog? Um, . . . yeah. This is my place to be totally honest. In my real life, I feel like I'm always lying to somebody about something. Here, I am totally honest. Brutally so. However, no matter what bad things I say about my kids, I adore them and would never ever really, say, sell them on Ebay. The husband, often referred to as Spousehole, is another story. Oh yeah - if you are under 18 (or if you are my husband), please leave now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's Tuesday, But I'm Not Feeling Like TMI Today

I'm in a funky mood and the questions this week just don't speak to me, so I'm taking a pass on TMI. Sorry.

Hopefully by Thursday I'll be back to my cheerful, half-exhibitionist self. I'm going away tonight and tomorrow. I think a little time away from the kids and husband will be refreshing. I have no plan at this point. Just going to get in my car, pick a direction, and drive. Though that direction is not likely to be due west, since the mommyvan is not equipped with flotation devices (Lake Michigan is due west).

Talking about my going away on Sunday, my husband actually suggested I take the newer of our 2 vehicles (the one I usually drive anyway). I was touched, thinking he was concerned for my safety and wanted me in the newer, nicer car. I thanked him for thinking of me like that and he said "Well it gets better mileage. Don't want to waste gas at these prices." So much for his concern for me.

But I really shouldn't complain. He took tomorrow off work to take care of the kids so I can get away. That was a pretty significant thing for him. He's not always a complete ogre. (You'll notice I even referred to him as "my husband," not the disparaging nickname. Don't worry. This niceness toward him won't last.)

I'm feeling like a real asshat today. I hurt three people's feelings yesterday. One was family and that person is over it already; that's the nature of our relationship. The other two were friends. One has been something that has been simmering a while and it just bubbled over yesterday. I don't really regret it because what I said needed saying, but I regret how I said it. I could have been a little more kind about it. The third person I lashed out at impulsively in frustration. I was frustrated with circumstances beyond his control, but took it out on him. I hope he'll forgive me, but the friendship won't be the same after this idiocy. I regret that one the most.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I know I will try to as well.


Anonymous said...

Hi sorry you're in a funky mood. Hopefully the time away will help. Have a nice time.

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that happens...;-( Not funny... but so human... ;-)
You will feeel better after your short vacations... ;-))

wisdomstuff said...

Good luck with your friends, hopefully they'll consider the circumstances and not take it too much to heart and I hope you have an AWESOME getaway. Sounds like you need it! Unfortunately it will go far too quickly.

h said...

Pretty effing lame TMI. First question: Do you believe in ghosts?

Then 4 more questions that can't be addressed if the answer to the First is NO!

SoCal Sal said...

Sending you good vibes dear. Have a safe and relaxing trip!

sandy shoes said...

I love, LOVE, to just get in the car and drive. Destination unimportant -- just being alone on the road is a joy. Have a great trip!

Here's hoping your friends forgive you. Everyone needs to call in a "get out of jail free" card sometimes. This is just your turn.

The Creeper said...

We've all had those days. Lots of *hugs*.

Lady in red said...

hugs for the fluffing it with your friends. If they are real friends they will get over it too.

hope your trip revives your mood.

Trueself said...

We all have those moods. We all mess up sometimes with our friends. Apologize, make amends to the best of your abilities, and move on.

Hope you have a nice time on your mini vacation. Sometimes it helps to just get away for a bit.

George said...

Just because they are friends doesn't mean that they have no faults or problems. I am sure they deserved a talking to.

Is your other half bi-polar? He seems to switch personalities so often.

Take care honey

Anonymous said...

Have fun...

or, at least have peace. C:)

Vixen said...

The trip will be good for you.

I'm sorry about the friend issues.... I hate circumstances like that.


Deech said...

Sorry I have not been around much. I have had to move my blog site and that took some doing.

Sorry to hear that you are blue. Yeah, the couple of days will be refreshing. I hope you get the perspective you need. We all need that sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Ah, it's human nature to catch a short temper...maybe the friends will get over it, with a little explaining.

Enjoy your "get away"!

sparringK9 said...

apologize! you'll feel better right away and set things right again . im sorry about the mood...i was trying to find your post grad it a secret blog or what?

Constance said...

Getting away will do you good.

And bridges can be mended when the effort is heartfelt. You'll do it when you are ready.

Loving Annie

Anonymous said...

awww ((hug)) I hope you have a good time away from 'it all'.

The friend thing...we have all done that- well, at least I know I have.

Stephen R. said...

Get away, take time for yourself and remember that there are many people here who love you. Hell, I've never even met you and I KNOW that I love you. I can feel your big, loving heart across the miles.

Much love. Feel better. Look forward to your return on Thursday.

Michelle said...

You only hurt three people's feelings? I'll see your three, and raise you five.

G-Man said...

Glad you decided to go Bunny...xox

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the funk you're in, B. Don't be so hard on yourself where your friends are concerned. I hope they can be forgiving and carry on.

As far as SH's reason for telling you to take the newer vehicle, sounds just like my H. I'll think he wants me to have the nicer/safer car when he's not thinking that at all.



Hope the time away gives you what you need...I envy you...I would love to have time away from hubby, kids...never happens for me, my hubby would not agree to it.
By the way, I love your blog!

ZigZagMan said...

don't know if it helps.....but luck to you....:)

crse said...

i hope its a good trip sweetie. And I agree with everyone. Good friends will move past this crap if you are truly remorseful. Just hang in there friend.

Kittie Kate said...

I understand about gas. Cheap gas here is $3.35 a gallon.