Is it a sex blog? A mommy blog? A bitch & moan blog? Um, . . . yeah. This is my place to be totally honest. In my real life, I feel like I'm always lying to somebody about something. Here, I am totally honest. Brutally so. However, no matter what bad things I say about my kids, I adore them and would never ever really, say, sell them on Ebay. The husband, often referred to as Spousehole, is another story. Oh yeah - if you are under 18 (or if you are my husband), please leave now.

Monday, May 7, 2007

New windows, a dinner party, and I got laid - a good weekend. Did I mention I got laid?

The weekend went much better than expected. Sure, the in-laws were hanging around on Friday and Saturday, Girl was a pain in everyone's ass as we replaced all the basement windows, Girl bit Boy and made him cry, and we had to beg for a babysitter for a dinner party Sunday night. But overall, it was good. How could it be good, you ask? That's right - you've guessed it - I got laid. First time in nine months. And with my husband, no less. I put the kids to bed Saturday night and went downstairs to clean up a little. He was at the computer (there's a shock), playing around with an astronomy program. As I filled the dishwasher, I thought about the usual routine: I go to bed alone, he plays a game, then he jerks off to internet porn. I decided to change things up a little. I feigned interest in his astronomy program for a while and finally just leaned in and kissed him. To my great shock, he kissed me back like he meant it. Only problem was that the kids were asleep in our bed. We ended up on the couch like a couple of horny teenagers. And he didn't make me feel bad for being a wanton, lustful slut. He just rolled with it and even seemed to enjoy it, putting aside his prudish, holier-than-thou bullshit of the last couple years.

I'm starting to realize Husband's age. He's only a little older than me, but sometimes it's enough to make a difference. Since having the vasectomy and entering his 40s, things don't get as firm as they used to and don't always stay even that firm. He also takes much longer to climax, even when it's just him and his left hand. You'd think that would be a good thing for me, but not always. After 2, 3, or maybe 4 orgasms, I'm ready to get it over with. Sometimes we girls just want to go to sleep aftwards too! But I'm not complaining, not really.

Girl is becoming a little too 2. Is there a boarding school for toddlers, where you can send them away for the terrible twos and bring them home when they hit 3.5 and start mellowing out? This one is driving me crazy. She wants her way constantly and isn't afraid to hit or bite when she doesn't get it. We put her in time-out, but then she cries like we've beaten her black-and-blue. Our little drama queen. Makes you realize why God made toddlers so cute - so you don't kill them. Other times she is the cutest, sweetest, smartest, prettiest little girl ever in the history of the universe. Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde.

The dinner party we went to on Sunday evening was interesting. Still in my thirties, I was the youngest person there. There was a retired police chief and his stay-at-home wife, a psychologist, a hairdresser, a retired mainframe guy, a retired teacher, a child care worker, a widowed social butterfly, and Husband and me. We went out on our hosts' boat for a tour of their lake; very nice. Took the Cabernet with us; very nice. Since mainframe guy is retired from Husband's place of employment, Fantasy Revenge Fuck guy's name came up. Again. (And men claim they don't gossip.) I swear, Husband hadn't mentioned him in ages. I post about this guy being my Fantasy Revenge Fuck because of Husband's enduring hatred of him and since then he's come up twice. Very weird.

Did I mention I got laid?


Anonymous said...

Don't believe, even for a second, it gets any better when they turn 3.5. The only way that boarding school would work is if they return adults :)
Our daughters seems very much like you, she's four now, and things are still the same. Little Miss Drama Queen indeed :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bunny! Glad to hear you got a little action over the weekend!

Re: Husband's performance problems - I think you've mentioned that he's reluctant to seek medical advice, which is too bad. Have you tried cock rings?

My husband is 45 and he had a vasectomy 3 years ago when we first met. It hasn't had any negative impact on his performance whatsoever. It does take him a long time to come, but I consider that a positive;)

In any case, Viagra's pretty mainstream these days. Even Nascar is on board! I hope he comes around, for your sake.