Is it a sex blog? A mommy blog? A bitch & moan blog? Um, . . . yeah. This is my place to be totally honest. In my real life, I feel like I'm always lying to somebody about something. Here, I am totally honest. Brutally so. However, no matter what bad things I say about my kids, I adore them and would never ever really, say, sell them on Ebay. The husband, often referred to as Spousehole, is another story. Oh yeah - if you are under 18 (or if you are my husband), please leave now.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

HNT + Epic Strip Tease FAIL!

Hey, I'm posting for HNT again! I hope I haven't alienated all my HNT friends by not posting so much this summer. It's been a rough summer for taking HNT pics. Mini-recap: My husband took a job 1100 miles away and I'm doing the single-mom thing until the house sells and we can join him in the deep South. I'm with my kids nearly 24/7 (yes, they even sleep with me), so time for fun HNT pics is limited. Sorry!

Anyway, we went up north to the family cottage for the holiday weekend. On Friday I spent a lot of the day in a lawn chair in the same position - doing Sudoku, jabbering with the extended in-law family, watching the kids swimming, etc. I made sure my kids were slathered in sunscreen and I did the same for my arms and legs. I apparently did not do so for my chest, as you'll see below. But it's not an even shaped sunburn - I guess I should have moved my chair a little more often to create an even burn.

When we were getting ready for bed, my daughter pointed to my sunburn and said "Owwie!" I told her that mommy should probably put something cold on it to help and she ran to the bar fridge and came back with this:

(Sorry, no click-thru)

Why do we get half-nekkid? Want to join the fun? See Os, The King of HNT


Okay, I had to add this - it's too. damn. funny.


SP said...

Hmmmm, is it me or is there no pic???

Good God I hope I am not going blind and can still see HNT pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Ouch- you need aloe!!

Chick said...

Ouch...but nice HNT...very nice.

Dangerous Lilly said...

aww take care of that with some aloe!

Edtime Stories said...

Love Boddingtons....
but ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Baby said...

ooohh that burn looks quite painful! Hope the cold beer helped!! :) HHNT!!!

h said...

The story is funny but the pic is sexier. Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Owwie is right. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

well enough of that lotion and it will quit hurting!

Pepper said... least you got a good beer to help you recover!


Evening said...

OUCH!!! Heal quickly.

Osbasso said...

It's good to see that you're training them at a young age!

Desmond Jones said...

See, the girl just has an intuitive sense of just what you need. . .

Weekends Off said...

OWCH! Sweetie, go get some 100% pure aloe vera gel for that, it'll fix ya right up!

You're the 2nd person I've told that to today!

I had 2nd degree sunburn, sun poisioning and sunstroke. Thanks to that gel I barely peeled and it really helped the pain by cooling my skin.

Anonymous said...

Awww that's sweet. The Best of Manchester, too.

If it hurts too much you can always drink it, and several more (and plenty of water).

Pluff said...

Tsk.. tsk.. what ever are we going to do with you?! I know... hand me the aloe!! ;)


Anonymous said...

Darn.....she's starting at such an early age!!

Glad you had some downtime over the holidays Bunny!

Vixen said... girl. But *ouch*

happyHNT chickie!

Anonymous said...

ahh... well trained kid. :) Cheers and Happy HNT!

bdenied said...

it does look like its tender. thanks for posting and welcome back to HNT.....I also took a job about as far as your hubby did and she had to be single for a while so we know the strain it puts on a couple

Lapis Ruber said...

That sunburn looks really painful but your little one had the right idea! Happy HNT. I'm still laughing at the belly dancer film.

JW said...

I'm seriously impressed by the fact you're using Boddingtons!

That's a definite OUCHIE though ...

Happy HNT :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess there's a line for rubbing on the aloe. I'll wait...

Still loving the yellow bra! But YEOWCH on the burn.

Biscuit said...

Owie is right!

My brother lived in London for two years and is a HUGE Boddington fan.

The Bizza said...

Your daughter has exceptional taste in cold compresses.

Looks painful. Hope you feel better soon.

Moosekahl said...

You need to move that boddington's up to soothe that burn. Happy HNT

Anonymous said...

Deep south? Look me up when ya get here!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about posting for us!

Hey, at least she knew what you really needed :)

Congrats on the 'puter!


SheenV said...

Now that's one smart kid!