Is it a sex blog? A mommy blog? A bitch & moan blog? Um, . . . yeah. This is my place to be totally honest. In my real life, I feel like I'm always lying to somebody about something. Here, I am totally honest. Brutally so. However, no matter what bad things I say about my kids, I adore them and would never ever really, say, sell them on Ebay. The husband, often referred to as Spousehole, is another story. Oh yeah - if you are under 18 (or if you are my husband), please leave now.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

One Year

Today, April 27, is the one-year anniversary of this blog.

One year of whining, bitching, moaning, and generally sharing the tedium of my life.

Less than a year of half-nekkid pictures.

One year of my sex life, or, more often, lack thereof.

I've met some wonderful people because of this blog. "Met" virtually and in real life. People I've come to care for a great deal. Beautiful people, inside and out. You've all supported me and comforted me and just been there when I needed a laugh. I started this blog just for me, as an outlet for my angst and fantasies and truths I felt uncomfortable sharing elsewhere. But it's become more than that. It's my connection to so many wonderful people.

I thank God for the friends I've made through this blog.

I thank God for you.


Edtime Stories said...

Wonderful.. a year is time to celebrate. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I love popping in everyday.

Lady in red said...

Today, April 27

you will never know how those word hit me

I have been feeling strange all day (ok stranger than most) then when I read these opening words it suddenly came to me is the 2nd anniversary of my Decree Absolute...thank you for reminding me.

I am so glad you started this blog I realise you have been going through a tough time and if even just one of my comments have helped you that will be good. We none of us can make any decisions for you but we can be there to help you and support you in the decisions you do make.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I am honored that I got the chance to meet you through this blog.

Congratulations on the first year.

Em said...

Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed that in year two you'll have less of what feels like tedium in your life...and more of what feels like sex. :)

TAG said...

I know you face some very real changes in your life the next few weeks. Please don't forget your loyal readers. We (I) will be hoping for the best always.


Rae said...

Happy Anniversary!

Big, huge, ginormous hugs!

Anonymous said...

Back at ya! There are some really cool people in these circles.

sandy shoes said...

I started my blog about a year ago as well (my birthday's tomorrow, and it was soon after last year's that I started).

I wish I could remember how I found your blog... maybe from commenting on Desperately Seeking? Anyhow I've become very attached to it.

Glad to know you, blog-friend.

for a different kind of girl said...

Congratulations on a blog year!

George said...

Happy Anniversary, Bunny. You have been there for me through the past year and I hope that I (and we) have been able to respond to you in the same way.

Have you reached a decision on the go/stay question?


exile said...

you're welcome

G-Man said...

Anniversary Bunny...?


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a few months now, and I always find it interesting. You're a very talented writer, and even if I don't always agree with your choices in life, I respect the thought that you've put into them.

You're someone who, if I met you in person, I think I would probably be very good friends with.

Happy anniversary, and many happy returns!

- said...

That's awesome Bunny. And congrats on a whole year. ; ) Very cool.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Even though I'm a fairly new reader to your blog, happy one-year anniversary all the same!

There's a lot of sweat equity built into that year, I can tell. *winks*

Anonymous said...

Has it really been less than a year since I started reading your blog? It feels like you have communicated a lot more than a years-worth.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on one year of blogging! I come here daily to see what's going on with Bunny. And even though I might not comment a lot, I do enjoy reading you. You're very open and honest and that's so refreshing.

Plus, you're HNT pics are pretty damn HOT too! ;)

Project Christopher said...

Happy Anniversary Bunny! You were the first person that I didn't already know to comment on my blog back around the first of the year! It's been a great pleasure getting to know you and feeling that you're getting to know me! Here's to one year and many more to come!
LOVE ya!

SheenV said...

And we thank God for you as well. Here's to many more years of blogging!

Anonymous said...

I just reciently found you and I'm very glad that I did.
Happy blogiversary to you!!

Desmond Jones said...

Well, Happy Blogiversary, Bunny!

One Michigander to another (and fellow-Spartans at that!). . .

dareuu said...

i thank you for sharing yourself with us. your blog is what got me started trying to do a better job of blogging. i count you in my virtual circle of friends and would very much like to meet you in the real world.

Deech said...

Happy Anniversary Bunny. It is we who should thank you for allowing us into your life. You are special...never forget that.

Keep bloggin babe...just make it do what it do.


Pluff said...

Happy Anniversary!! Here's hoping for an awesome 2nd year!

Helga Hansen said...

Hi Bunny... I have only just found your blog through Lady In Red (and I found her through a very close friend's blog!!)

I've not had a chance to read through your blog, but I have a feeling that you and I are quite alike. I, too, am in the marriage from hell, but I have already set Departure Day in my mind... once my son finishes his secondary school education. It helps having someone who is with me every step of the way... I hope you will find your Special Someone too.

Congratulations on the anniversary, and I will be back to read your archives! :)

Vixen said...

Really?! It's only been a year. Time flies when you are having fun. :)


Polt said...

Well a belated congrats on that, sweetie!


FTN said...

A belated happy bloggy birthday from me, too.